Our work with PhotogenX as a community and an organization has been "life-altering." Thats really the only way I can describe it. The joining of physical missions {aid work, evangelism, mercy ministry, community development, etc} with mass communication & awareness {photography, publication, advocacy} has become our burning passion. We start by sharing with and mobilizing the Church to pray for the voiceless around the world, yet then immediately collaborate to physically move in a direction of justice. This is our heart, and our vision for the establishment of the Kingdom of God across the globe. These are the gifts God has given us as artists to give a voice to the voiceless. This is the place God has brought us to share the LOVE of Christ with whomever we meet. It is also the reason PhotogenX exists as a project and the reason we have come along side it...
As I said before, the last year has really been more of a "getting our feet wet" stage. We've tested the waters and seen some change, some hope, and a glimpse of the Kingdom. That being said, we have also come to the stark realization that we can only do so much good when we decide to leave doors open. So we can no longer continue to limit our responsibility out of some fear of commitment or the romanticizing of other organizations. Diane and I have learned that the longer we continue to float from project to project, never laying down roots, the longer real lasting change will be waiting. So after a lot of prayer, council, fellowship and an unbelievable open invitation from Paul & Susi Childers {PhotogenX Founders} to come and join their work...we have officially commited to joining PhotogenX as senior staff for the long-haul. Five, ten, twenty years who knows, but we have decided to marry Paul & Susi's vision for missions. We are making vows in a similar fashion to what Diane & I did a year ago, yet this time we simply make them to a vocation of love and to an organization of hope. We are walking into the full-time missions world full of excitement, confidence, belief and a few shaky nerves to balance us out...please pray for us!
This means a lot of things. First and foremost, we are now changing pace from simply being "involved" with missions to "BEING" full-time missionaries as a profession. It's kind of a strange paradigm shift to go through in your brain. It's no longer about this or that specific project or trip, but about devoting our whole life, marriage, time, energy, and resources to the cause of PhotogenX and the sake of the cross. It also means we will not be returning home after our eight month commitment to PhotogenX but will immediately be moving into our rolls for the long-term goals of PhotogenX (there is a chance that we could in theory stop by the mainland for a few weeks in early September to share and be with you all). We will be spending at least the next two years leading a track of photographers straight around the world, building bridges for making actual - measurable change within many of the injustice issues we deal with as a mission. But thats for another time...I will send another e-mail shortly explaining the rolls Diane & I are stepping into, our vision as a mission and a couple, and how you can get involved with us in a long term nature as missionaries...
We love you all so much! Let me just state once again that any and all of the hope that is sparked through our work is a direct result of your involvement. We would not be here if it were not for you and your continued prayers, partnership, and financial "sowing" into us as a couple and our continuing ministry. Thank you for literally holding us up and walking with us over the past year...we pray we can walk together for a long time...